61 Your submissions of the class news form help us keep up with our classmates and provide content to this column. Please keep these forms coming. This month we heard from Lassie Tischler Eicher, who has moved to the Classic Residence by Hyatt in Scottsdale, AZ. She and husband Mike '60 are enjoying an independent living unit after giving up the "big" house. I remember Mike not only from Cornell but also from our high school days in Pittsburgh. Lassie volunteers at the Scottsdale Alumnae Association of KKG and at the care center of their residence complex. Lucienne Joncurs Taylor (Minnetonka, MN) retired from the Minnesota Inst. for Talented Youth after 20 years. Now she is involved in volunteer work, quilting, and teaching a U. of Minnesota online class on gifted education. In addition, Lucy is involved with the regional library and is president of the Friends group.
Bruce Miller (Alamo, LA) writes: "I'm still working in the same industry I joined two months after graduation. I have been running my own firm for the past 23 years, specializing in institutional retirement plans, but doing more individual retirement planning than in the past. I've been racing cars for over 35 years and for the past 20 years have been participating in historic auto racing with my son and our five-car team. This past year we have raced in eight states including Watkins Glen, NY." Bruce is also involved in fundraising for the children's hospital and the Parkinson's Inst. Mark Fleischman writes, "I spend less time operating night clubs and have changed my focus to expanding the Bar Method exercise studios that I own with my wife throughout Southern California." Mark moved from Malibu to Los Angeles to be closer to business and social activities. J. Peter Dygert writes, "Golf, golf, and more golf at our winter home in Venice, FL. Also working on beautification of our Springville, NY, farm. In 2012, the farm will be 200 years old, purchased from the Holland Land Co. in 1812." Until recently, Peter served as the Western New York director for the CALS Alumni. He expressed hopes that grandson Ryan, son of Diane Dygert '84 (ILR), will eventually attend Cornell and keep the tradition alive.
Retired ambassador Stephen Minikes writes, "I am on two not-for-profit and two for-profit boards of directors. My charitable work is for the Int'l Republican Inst., which seeks to promote democracy, and the Hudson Inst., a Washington 'think tank.' I consult and advise clients and lecture on various foreign policy issues at colleges and universities within the US and in foreign countries. Much of my time is spent traveling domestically and abroad." Stephen would like to hear from his fraternity brothers at Tau Delta Phi, especially those from the classes of '58 to '63.
A press release from last fall recognizes Peggy Monkmeyer Mastroianni, associate legal counsel of the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), who received the 2009 Federal Labor and Employment Attorney of the Year award from the American Bar Association. Peggy, who led the EEOC's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) for much of 2009, was selected for the award by the ABA's Section of Labor and Employment Law. This distinguished award recognizes a federal attorney whose professional achievements exemplify excellence of legal work in the field of labor and employment law. Peggy joined OLC in 1991 as the director of the ADA Policy Division, where she was responsible for developing guidance documents interpreting the then-recently passed landmark statute prohibiting employment discrimination against people with disabilities.
Joel Blatt's note tells of his recent activities. "I continue to teach modern European history at the U. of Connecticut in Stamford, CT. I am writing a book, 'The Assassination of Carlo and Nello Rosselli.' Teaching and writing are my enduring challenges, along with a long-standing passion for tennis, which was fostered by my time spent with the freshman tennis team."
From Mount Vernon, NY, Gail Wingate Moulton writes, "I love retirement! I can get up whenever I please. There are new activities such as the Scarsdale Women's Club, where I am in the choral singers and the pottery section. My previous interest in choral singing stems from my Cornell years with the Notables and the women's chorus. Our long-distance move three years ago was all of two-tenths of a mile. We decided to downsize and love our new house. After the labor involved in this move, we have no intentions of another in the near future." Gail claims that her most important volunteering is for daughter Sarah Moulton Connolly '91, caring for granddaughters aged 6 and 2 and preparing them for eventual enrollment at Cornell.
Finally, a brief note from Cornell trustee Bill Eaton announces the arrival of grandchild number 11. That puts Bill well in front of this correspondent. Sue and I, after 47 years of marriage, celebrated the arrival of our first grandchild in March. Please remember to send us your thoughts and whereabouts, and be sure to check out our website, http://www.cornell61.org. Doug Fuss, dougout@attglobal.net. This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it ; Joanna McCully, joannacelticlady@aol.com